Another Damn Food Blog

The Weather Shifts
Today I’m thinking about chili. I don’t have a chili recipe. I barely have a method, because it’s just not something we eat a lot of. My method, is basically a Texas Red (no beans) with a molé vibe. It'd beefy. It's rich. It's mysterious. It's also undocumented so I need to fix that before it gets deported.
Thanksgiving 2024
It’s Black Friday. The Wife and Offspring are busy undecorating Thanksgiving to make way for Christmas. Meanwhile, I’m sitting in my office typing this. I’m grateful he’s here to haul stuff up and down the stairs because my hip is giving me hell. I really aggravated it while doing some last-minute shopping on Wednesday. I need to remember not to pivot on that leg, but when the store is packed and patrons are playing full-contact grocery shopping, only the nimble survive.
Home ownership, potholders and a T-shirt
I know owning a home is supposed to be an asset. That’s what they tell you. It’s bullshit. They tell you it’s an asset to make a traditional 30 year mortgage seem like a great idea. That’s not to say I don’t believe in the investment possibilities of real estate, I genuinely do, but home ownership is bullshit. Why? Nature and taxes.
Post Election Check-in
This is the fourth attempt I’ve made to write this blog entry. The original one began on November 4, covered the election, covered a lot of libertarian/agorist/abolitionist theory, delved into life after burnout with some really gut-wrenching realizations on my part, and then talked about the slump I’ve been in regarding my cooking of late.
Shrimp Amends
Holy crap! I’m actually starting one of these before the Fooding. That’s not my usual workflow. Even though I want to plan ahead, almost everything I do for the site ends up being an afterthought. Why? Because social media has to come first. So annoying. There’s a reason Social Media and Sado-Masochism have the same initials. Just saying.
Picadillo and the Past
Fresh out of cooking school, I started working in one of the kitchens of a large PC clone manufacturer in Austin. I say "one of the kitchens" because each facility had at least one cafeteria. The one where I learned the most was the main fabrication facility. The others were fine, but I much preferred cooking for factory workers over yuppie scum.
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