Another Damn Food Blog

Another Damn Explanation
Volumetric measuring is the shifty eyed brother-in-law of quantification, always trying to cut corners and get away with something and I just don’t trust it. Not when food cost, recipe development, and nutrition calculations are on the line. Not on my watch, buster!
Another Damn Bucket List
I’m obsessed with sausage right now. I really want a bratwurst on a hearty artisanal roll, the kind with all the whole grains kneaded into the dough, but still soft on the outside. I want that, with a stone ground or heavy horseradish mustard, covered with proper sauerkraut. Adequately rinsed, sauteed gently in a little bacon fat and seasoned with juniper and caraway, garnished with caramelized onions and way too much Swiss cheese.
Look. Life is about pleasure. I'm here for a good time, not a long time. So while I'm trying to figure out this social media bullshit, I'm going to have some fun.
Beverage Review – Paradigm Brewing’s Coco Loco
A live review of Paradigm Brewing Company's "Coco Loco", a blonde ale flavored with coconut. I found it delightful.
Another Damn Diet
What I do is I re-focus my self-indulgence (I am a Hedonist, after all.) into something else that gives me pleasure which is data collection, monitoring, tracking, and adjusting. Yeah. I know. How fucking dull does that sound? I promise you, it’s duller than that, but it works for me. I guarandamntee (the Southern Sign of Assurance) you, it’s not the weirdest thing that lights my candle, but 53-year-old fat dudes are not successful OnlyFans content creators.