Thanks to “The Stall”, I took more than a couple days off; the entire week actually. Here’s how it happened. I grabbed things and put them in my face hole. No. That’s not it. I was focused on “The Stall” and at my irritation with it showing up the way it did. Knowing it was coming was one thing, but it threw off my schedule and plan and that’s the sort of thing that just makes me crazy.
The thing is, when you're doing a low calorie diet, you don't have to give up on flavor as much as you'd think. There are plenty of things you can have on hand that lend a fair amount of flavor without going over the top on calories. And honestly, you'll probably burn more calories in the prep of these time saving flavor enhancers than you will consuming them.
I already feel like one of those ducks used for foie gras. Eating should be about pleasure or sustenance. I should be voluntary. Eating those tacos like I did just felt like “sin”. Excess for the sake of being excessive. Not to mention the cow that gave its face for me to have those tacos.
It’s cool. I’m not panicking. I expected this, however not this soon. I have to assume my lack of progress this week is related to the massive amount of weight I moved during Covid. Based on consumption and movement, I should have lost 3.3 lbs. Instead, here I am, having only lost 1.4.
It’s February 2nd, 2024. Groundhog Day and the weekend is approaching. According to the resources in my garage freezer, I have two 8-ounce portions of utility chicken left which means, two things. First, I have to make more utility chicken. Woo. I hate making utility chicken. Particularly without the benefit of beer to aid me. Second, I finally have a way to address utility chicken on this Blog. I mean I mention it often enough.
The add-in I got for my recipes, I think, will help with the videos as it is so powerful with so many features, it forces me to think in terms of documentation which, despite my professional history of late, seems to be lacking when it comes to food documentation. I’m still enjoying the process, though and the day-work is putting a fair amount of pressure on me to make this thing happen, particularly after last week’s Covid fiasco.