The key to this dish is to keep your squash dry which is pain in the ass, but doable. I honestly prefer to make this with leftover boiled squash because it readily gives up its moisture over night in the fridge.
This is a chunky, rustic version of mashed potatoes. I use yellow potatoes as I don't peel them. Russets are a little too much, for me. As always, you do you.
Happy cooking.
Standard pea salad is a little Pat Boone for me. So this version replaces the bacon with roasted red peppers and the cheese and dressing leaver a nice surprise on the palate.
This is a super easy dish that isn't our regular, bright yellow potato salad. (Mashed potatoes with crap in it, as my son calls it.) It's room temp German style which means it has a sweet/tangy vinegar based dressing. It's also a fine excuse for bacon.
The key to this dish is about moisture control. The first time I did it, it started out as a roasted zucchini dish and it required too much oil to get the texture I wanted. The second time, I used less oil but it put off too much water. That's why it's now a "pan casserole" whatever the hell that means.
I came to appreciate this dish more in my drinking years as a hangover remedy, assuming it's made with hot sausage and tons of cayenne, particularly when served on greasy hashbrowns, topped with eggs over easy and tons of Tobasco.