Another Damn Food Blog

Video Blog – 2024-03-09
You don't need to read this. I'm only putting it here because there's a place where I'm supposed to so that the preview on the blog looks correctly. If you've made it this far, I respect you. I too have trouble ignoring things when it seems like someone wants me to ignore it. Now. If someone wants, needs me to pay attention, I'm heading off for the shiny object.
Week 8 Recap
There we go. 259.4. Finally. 3.2 pounds for the week. That means that since January 8, I’m officially down 22 pounds. At least twice that more to go. At this point I’m just thrilled to be out of the 260’s. Because some people will ask, no, I don’t feel better. I didn’t feel badly before. I can move better and that’s nice.
Review – Immi Surprisingly Healthy Instant Ramen
As with all of my reviews, this is what I think. I am neither endorsing nor rejecting the product reviewed. I don’t have a vested interest in what you do with your money, unless you want to give it to me either out of the kindness/perverseness of your heart or in exchange for goods and/or services. I am not affiliated with the producers of the reviewed product nor am I compensated in any way. I paid for the product just like you would.
Review – PremierProtein Popcorn Madness
I had no plans to review this, I strictly bought it as a novelty. I mean, who makes a popcorn flavored beverage? How does anyone even consider that as an idea? What manner of monster approved it and should I get to know them better? Can guava-liverwurst be far behind?
Another Damn Cook in the Wall
The last reason I drive Dangervan to take a walk is because of my current doughy stature or more to the point, growing up doughy. Great name, by the way, “Growing up Doughy”. I wish I had a use for it. Anyhow, when you grow up fat, you are constantly beset by people who “just love you and are worried about your health”. People you know, people you don’t, they are always coming up to you and telling you how you need to lose weight. How to live your life. According to their standards.
Week 7 Recap – Getting Back on Track
was a delightful week, food wise. My love affair with black market eggs continues. Fresh from the chickens butt, exceedingly poachable, no breakdown of albumin into that watery goo, and overall beautiful. They are a little on the expensive side, though, at $0.50 each, but so worth it. I should do an egg poaching video.
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