Another Damn Food Blog

Beverage Review – Paradigm Brewing’s Coco Loco
A live review of Paradigm Brewing Company's "Coco Loco", a blonde ale flavored with coconut. I found it delightful.
Another Damn Diet
What I do is I re-focus my self-indulgence (I am a Hedonist, after all.) into something else that gives me pleasure which is data collection, monitoring, tracking, and adjusting. Yeah. I know. How fucking dull does that sound? I promise you, it’s duller than that, but it works for me. I guarandamntee (the Southern Sign of Assurance) you, it’s not the weirdest thing that lights my candle, but 53-year-old fat dudes are not successful OnlyFans content creators.
It begins with tacos.
For me, the perfect taco must contain two things at a minimum: handmade corn tortillas and a reasonable amount of risk. The tortilla is not negotiable. The kind of risk is.
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