Another Damn Food Blog

New Year’s Collection is Released

After 11 days of editing, I'm happy to announce the New Year's Black Eyed Pea/Cabbage video and recipes are now available as a collection on Patreon.

Everything I do at this point is a learning experience and an opportunity for improvement. While this still isn't perfect, I'm good with it. This is the first one where I was more intentional about what I'm doing and more relaxed at the same time. Yes, there were blatant fuck ups - like forgetting to turn on the recorder and having to pull sound from the "Stove Cam", but that cleared itself up.

I did manage to get some really good perspective on how to do the next one. I talk a lot. And I don't seem to pause between thoughts. So I'm learning to stop in between. Likewise, I'm planning more of the shots, remembering that this is less about making the dish perfectly, and more about making a video.

Editing is brutal. It's hard to pick and choose what to keep and what to cut. I try to keep as much of the humorous stuff in, but if it doesn't contribute to what I'm doing, it has to go. Some of the cuts will wind up on Facetagram and YouTube. Some will be exclusive to my "Fine Dining" Patreon subscriber. Some will never be seen again.

It's also worth noting, this is the first video, other than butchering the brisket that time, I've shot completely sober from start to finish. I make better videos when I'm sober. Down side is I make better food when I'm not. I think it's largely because, armed with enough alcohol, I throw caution to the wind and cook on instinct. No, it's not rational, but I eat well.

You can take a look at my work by clicking here.

Yeah, I know, I know. It's not free. But this work is personal to me and if I'm going to be so personal on the internet, I'm damned sure gonna charge.

Now go cook something.